Bladebound MOD APK 0.372

                          Bladebound MOD APK 0.372

Bladebound is an action RPG Online game from artifex mundi. Game is released only for select countries for now. No Global release yet.Though its arrived in here in time. Game is developed using unity engine and its awesome physics. Lets talk about the game game starts with the awesome cinematic action our hero killing some enemies in style. and then tutorial starts, as soon as tutorial starts you will fall in love with the graphics and its controllers its awesome. High Resolution graphics and performance with controls swipe to attack and skills can be activated by drawing circle and triangles. after completing the tutorial main story starts. some narrated animation shows villains, hero and some last hope do not remember properly it was good at least there is a little story in it (Of course you are the last hope no doubt about it). after that you become the level 1 hero and have to select the avatar of your hero and his sword. no classes only the warriors and his sword,no deep customization at all. It has all the features you see in the RPG with online elements. but game currencies stores offline it means its hackable, gems and coins of course you can use it to purchase chests and upgrade your weapons.
Bladebound MOD APK

Bladebound MOD APK

Bladebound MOD APK

What’s New: v 0.372
– memory optimizations
What’s In The MOD:
Unlimited Gems
Unlimited Coins
Requires Android: 4.2 and Up
How To Install?
Install APK,Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/ and play.
Version: 0.372
Download Links:

Bladebound MOD APK 0.372 Bladebound MOD APK 0.372 Reviewed by Riaz Hussain on 19:05:00 Rating: 5

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